Affordable Housing Trust Fund

The mission of the Trust Fund is to help people with modest incomes afford the cost of living in Westport in three primary ways:

  • Convert existing buildings to affordable homes,
  • Ease home costs for existing residents in need,
  • Construct new affordable homes.

The Town of Westport established the Westport Affordable Housing Trust Fund by vote at Town Meeting in May 2009 per M.G.L.c.44 s.55C. The Board of Trustees was appointed by the Board of Selectmen in February, 2010, to oversee the Trust Fund.

The Westport Affordable Housing Trust Fund meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month at Westport Town Hall, 816 Main Road, Westport. Meeting notices are posted with the Town Clerk. For more information, call the Housing Assistance Office at (774) 264-5126.  Office open Wednesdays 10-4.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Robert Barboza Housing Office Clerk


Name Title
James Sabra Member
Henry Lanier Member
Ann Boxler
Craig Dutra Chair
Teri Bernert Member
Patrick Long