WCOD Meeting Minutes - September 2022

Meeting date: 
Monday, September 26, 2022


                          WESTPORT COMMISSION ON DISABILITY.


Members participating:  Brian Gallagher, chairman, Ray Phoenix, Martin Costa, Kim Legendre, Rick Grundy, Sue Sherman.

Remote Participation:  Brian Gallagher and Ray Phoenix participated by telephone.

The minutes of the July 25, 2022 meeting were approved.

There was a discussion about the entrance to the lower level of the Town Hall Annex.  The walkway to the door, which had been difficult to traverse due to the settling of stones was fixed by the Highway Department.  The stones were removed, and a concrete walkway was put in that space.  Inside the door is a wheelchair ramp with a handrail.  The handrail is in the process of being replaced by the Recreation Department.  Martin will check with Dana Stewart of the Recreation Department about the ramp.

Water Access:     

     Children’s Beach:  The mobility mats need to be taken up and put in storage.  A new wheelchair accessible table has been promised by the Beach Committee.  Martin will confirm with Chris Gonsalves of the Highway Department that the mats will be taken up by the department and stored in its garage for the fall/winter.  Martin will also check with Sean Leach of the Beach Committee about the table.

     Beach Avenue:  The Highway Department has scheduled the placement of the GeoGrids for October.  The Land Conservation Trust makes arrangements with the Highway Department to take up and store the mobility mats from the beach.  Martin will speak to Chris Gonsalves to confirm that the arrangements have been made for the grids and the mats.

     Horseneck Beach:  There are mobilty mats, handicapped accessible bathrooms, wheelchair accessible picnic tables and a long, paved walkway that runs parallel to the beach.

Kathleen Haynes, the chairperson of the Falmouth Commission on Disabilities sent a letter to the other commissions on the South Coast inquiring as to how their communities handle the issue of raking the beaches that have mobility mats.  In Falmouth the beaches are raked with tractors.  Brian will notify Ms. Haynes that Westport does not have that problem.

Sidewalks in New Developments:  Westport currently has an ordinance that requires the placement of sidewalks in new developments of 20 or more new houses.  The WCOD wants that number reduced.  Martin attended a recent meeting of the Planning Board and advised the board members of our position.  He was advised that the subject must be formally placed on the agenda of a hearing.  Brian will send a letter on WCOD letterhead making that request. The Coastal Healing building on Route 6 has a handicapped accessible sidewalk.

Status of donation to Recreation Department:  Martin will check with Dana Stewart and the town accountant about the donation.

Possible donation to the new school for items that will help with disabled students:  Kim will make an inquiry

Library amphitheater walkway and concrete pad for wheelchair.  Martin will make an inquiry.  We will work on advertising the WCOD.

The next meeting is October 24, 2022 in the Annex.

The meeting was adjourned.