Board of Health


Rabies Clinic on May 04, 2024

For mor details, Click FLIER

Blood Pressure Clinics - Click HERE for off site locations


The Board of Health is selling composters at 1/2 the cost plus tax.  The price of the New Age Composter Bin-24 is $34.53, which includes the sales tax and is only available at the Transfer Station

In order to purchase a composter, please go to the facility located at 72 Hix Bridge Road with a check or money order made out to the Town of Westport.  This item is not available at the Board of Health Office and cannot be purchased with cash.  Please do not combine Transfer Station purchases with the purchase of a composter.


NEVER LEAVE A SHARPS CONTAINER UNATTENDED.  If there isn't anyone available to assist you, DO NOT leave your sharps container outside the Nurse's door, it could get in to the wrong hands.  Prior to bringing your syringes to the ANNEX, please call the nurse's office at 508-636-1030 to check her availability.  The nurse's schedule is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; 8:30am - 2:30pm; Closed on Tuesdays.

Your cooperation is essential in making this program successful and reducing the potential health dangers of improperly disposing of needles.  This program is designed to protect the public health.  If you have any questions or have large amounts of needles to dispose of, please call the Board of Health Office, 508-636-1015.


Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
John Swartz Health Agent
Linda Pierce Public Health Nurse 508-636-1030
Nancy Paquet Office Manager
Patricia Kershaw Principal Clerk
Matthew Armendo Director of Public Health 508-636-1015
Joseph C. Reis Senior Health Agent

Board Members

Name Title
Tanja Ryden


Philip M. Weinberg

Vice Chair

Donna Amaral

