Meeting Minutes 10/27/2015

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Westport Commission on Disabilities

Meeting of Oct. 27, 2015 at Town Hall Annex

Meeting was called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Chair Stanley Cornwall with the following members present: Michael Ouimet, Anders Newcomer, John Pelletier, Raymond Phenix, and Robert Alves; Rose Rego arrived at 3:55 p.m; consultant Elaine Ostroff was taking part via conference call.

A motion to accept the minutes of the Sept. 22, 2015 meeting as presented was made by Mr. Alves, seconded by Mr. Phenix, and approved unanimously.

A presentation by Sarah Quintal of the Coalition for Buzzards Bay began with an update of the design updates for the preferred option (Alternative #2) for improving resident access from Beach Avenue to the Knubble. This option of the draft plan to be submitted to the state Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Bureau includes a gravel track road to the beach area and an adjacent boardwalk made of removable wooden components that would improve access to the beach area for people with disabilities.

Selectman R. Michael Sullivan reported that the updated plan included provisions for agreements with abutters of the last 600 feet of the roadway to donate small portions of their land to the town in the event that piece of the road was abandoned as public way for vehicular use. He asked that the commission endorse the plan as updated so the design might be finalized for submission to CZM; the goal of the effort would be to improve access to the beach for people with disabilities and advance a long-range plan to develop the area as a town beach.

Mr. Ouimet expressed concerns about the proposed gate at the end of the paved road limiting access for all members of the public, including those without disabilities. Beach Committee member Jeff Bull voiced his opinion that more parking at the unpaved end of the roadway would cause additional problems; and that the Beach Committee would not have funds to develop or maintain a public beach at that location. Resident Tom Hancock noted town-wide referendums had overwhelmingly supported town maintenance of the road all the way to the Knubble, and the eventual development of the area as a new town beach.

Mr. Cornwall noted the commission had voted to support Alternative #2 at a previous meeting, but later voted to rescind that endorsement and leave the situation as it stands at the present time. He polled members to see if there was any support for reconsideration of endorsement of Alternative #2 at this time. Mr. Newcomer said too many questions remained unanswered for him to give his support; Mr. Ouimet said he would not support the plan because he did not see the need for such radical changes; Mr. Pelletier felt there were too many negatives to the proposal, and more time should be given to seeing how the present situation works out. Mr. Phenix also suggested giving the current situation more time to be studied; Mr. Alves wanted to leave the set-up as it stands as present; Ms. Rego wanted more time to assess the present situation. Seeing no support for endorsement, Mr. Cornwall indicated there would be no vote, and ended discussion.

The chair noted that a Community Preservation Committee member had asked that CPA funding for the over-the-dune access ramp project be returned as the proposed path does not seem feasible due to wash-out threats. It was also mentioned that a potential observation platform atop the dune would not be practical at this time. Mr. Pelletier made a motion not to return the funding designated for the access ramp at this time, but rather keep the funds in reserve for possible use at another location; seconded by Mr. Ouimet; the vote was unanimous.

The date of the next commission meeting was tentatively set for 3:45 p.m. on Nov. 11. A motion to adjourn came at 5:40 p.m. from Mr. Pelletier, seconded by Mr. Phenix, and was approved unanimously.