Meeting Dates & Deadlines

At the Planning Boards Work Session held on Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the board unanimously voted to put into place submission deadlines for the following;
  •  Materials for all subdivisions, and/or any other documentation that requires review by the consultant (hydrology report, traffic impact statement, drainage calcs., significant plan revisions, etc.) shall be submitted to the Planning Office no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled Public Hearing for the matter.
  • If materials such as the ones listed above are not submitted fifteen (15) days prior, a continuance will be necessary in order to allow proper time for the documents to be reviewed by the consultant, the Planning Board and staff.
  • Materials minor in nature that do not require a review by the consultant must be submitted to the Planning Office no later than the Thursday before the scheduled public hearing for the matter in order to ensure adequate time for staff review.
  • The above deadlines do not apply for ANR (Approval Not Required) Plans or Pre-Application Consultations